The Top Challenges of Implementing Continuous Delivery with Kubernetes

Mar 25, 2021

Kubernetes is the leading container management and orchestration platform where you can deploy your microservice-based cloud-native applications ( K8S, GKE, EKS, AKS). It offers automated bin packing, scaling & self-healing containers, service discovery, and load balancing.

With the ongoing thrust for digital transformation, today more organizations are opting for Kubernetes as a part of their transformation journey. But there are several challenges that remain to be addressed in the way of the Kubernetes adoption like — deployment complexities and use of scripts, overdependence on experts and burnouts, dealing with security challenges, and deployment strategies and post-deployment health checks.

Using Spinnaker, a continuous delivery platform for multi-cloud release deployments you can easily mitigate these Kubernetes deployment challenges. To know more, read our blog “The Top Challenges of Implementing Continuous Delivery with Kubernetes”.




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